Brisk is now open source

I'm happy to announce that the code to Brisk is open source. We've released it under the Apache 2 license, so you can modify and run Brisk to your hearts content. You can access the source code on github at

GitHub - brisktest/brisk: Brisk is a complete Continuous Integration tool for executing your test suites. It is designed around speed and outperforms all other CI tools - primarily by only rebuilding the test env when necessary. It can be run either from your developer machine (running your entire test suite in seconds on every save) or as part of your CI/CD pipeline.
Brisk is a complete Continuous Integration tool for executing your test suites. It is designed around speed and outperforms all other CI tools - primarily by only rebuilding the test env when neces...


Well a lot of people have asked me for the ability to run Brisk on their own hardware either on-prem or in their own private clouds. I understand that because source code is very sensitive and although Brisk is designed with security at the forefront running your code in a mult-tenant system can be a bit daunting to some.

The idea of supporting on-prem and cloud installations of Brisk on other people's clouds without any kind of visibility into those clouds is extremely unappetizing and absolutely not something we have the bandwidth for today. So, I've made the decision to release the complete code as open source and allow on-prem users to install their own complete system.

This also allows people to configure the security aspect of Brisk as vigorously or not as they see fit. Brisk is designed to be a multi-tenant system, and so there are a lot of internal controls and security measures to prevent nefarious actors from accessing code they should not. In a on-prem system you can choose not to implement those measures (if you trust your users) or for maximum security you can use them all. This flexibility will make configuring and running Brisk quite different for a lot of users and so having access to the source code should make these configuration decisions easier.

Also, I'm of course hoping for contributions from our amazing user base. If you have a feature you would like or if you want support for a different framework or test suite feel free to send me a PR and I'll be happy to review them all in a timely manner.

Thanks so much for your support, it's been a very fun ride so far and hopefully it continues long into the future,
